History of the overseas expeditions
1915 The Alpine Club of Kobe University was founded.
1934 The First Expedition to Taiwan led by Mr. Kaoru Tanaka
1936 The Second Expedition to Taiwan led by Mr. Kaoru Tanaka
1958 Chile and Japan Joint Expedition to Patagonia led by Mr. Kaoru Tanaka
and Mr. Masataka Takagi
The first ascent of Mt. Arenales 3365m
1960 Chile and Japan Joint Expedition to the Central Andes led by Mr.Naoyuki
1958/60 Expeditions to Chile−Review over 63/60 years
1963 Scientific Expedition to Taiwan, Gyoku-Zan
1963 Bolivia Andes Scientific Expedition led by Mr. Kenji Kanai
1968 Canada Yukon Scientific Expedition led by Mr. Satoshi Nakanishi
1970 Atakama High Land Expedition. Mr. Yoshihiro Kanai Joined.
1974 The First Karakoram Expedition to Sherpi Kangri led by Toshiho Tanaka
1976 The Second Karakoram Expedition to Sherpi Kangri led by Mr. Kazumasa Hirai
The first ascent of Sherpi Kangri 7380m
1980 The reconnaissance party to the Karakorum, Rimo Mtns. led by Mr.Shoichirou Nakagawa
Mr. Takashi Migita was lost in the crevasse of Lolofond Glacier.
1983 Nepal Hinalay, Pharchamo 6282m trial led by Mr. Hiroshi Hasagawa
1985 Kula Kangri reconnaissance led by Mr. Shunji Ogata
1986 Tibet Scientific Expedition led by Mr. Kazumasa Hira
The first ascent of Kula Kangri 7554m
1988 Kobe University and China Univeersity of Geosciences(Wuhan) Joint Climbing
to Que-er Shan led by Mr. Hirokazu Kitaguchi
The first ascebt of Que-er Shan 6168m
1991 Kyoto University Meirigkawagarbo Expedition
ACKU sent Mr. Naotake Funahara and he was lost in an
2002 Ruoni (kangri Garpo Mountains) reconnaissance led by Mr. Hirokazu Kitaguchi
2003 Ruoni Expedition led by Mr. Kazumasa Hirai
2007 Kangri Garpo Mtns; Ata Glacier 3 Sisters, reconnaissance led by Takeru
2009 Kangri Garpo Mtns; led by Tatsuo Inoue ,
The first ascent of Lopchin Feng 6805m
2015 Nyainqentanglha Mtns; led by Takeru Yamada
The first ascent of Ta Ri Feng 6330m